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Adeptus Titanicus - Warlord Titan #2

Imperator Caine. Although identified as a rebel titan, this particular machine feels no real affinity with Horus, the Heresy or any associated traitor ideology. Simply put, this machine and princeps fight for glory, pay and self determination. Known to be skilled in the art of tactics and warfare, this god-machine is often found slumming it in low end warfare for any system governors that will pay their price.

Titan #2 done and done. Fairly easy, really, as I've done one before, its not a hugely difficult model to paint and its only one model! God knows how people are spending hours and hours on theirs...............well, I do know really, its through putting lots of shades, layering and highlights on them.

Me? Just bash it out in double quick time (90 mins ish, again). Detail and markings can follow as the victories rack up and need to be tallied.

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