It was a night of many firsts: 1st game with my IG in 6th Ed, 1st time using a Lord Commissar, 1st time using Priests since the ancient days of 3rd Ed - and the 1st time using my Vendetta since I finished it a year and a half ago. In fact, it's the first time I've used any of the IG assault flyers ever since the Codex came out a few years ago.
And it was a blast! Flying into battle on the enemy flanks is definitely a tactical multiplier, and while the Vendetta did not actually shoot down any of the 2 enemy Stormravens, it caused enough worry and damage to totally disrupt the enemy. The Vendetta came off pretty well, causing 2 hit points on each of the Stormravens, forcing one to hover (stunned) whence it was finished off by Leman Russ battle tanks. It also destroyed a Razorback and drew all kinds of fire, suffering 1 glancing hit (from a bolt pistol).
My first IG 6th Ed list itself was pretty fun to play. It's not as big as my 5th Ed infantry lists of 105-125 infantry, but it was hefty enough with 78 infantry and 5 vehicles. The biggest drawback of the list is that it had very few scoring units (only 4 after I combine the platoon infantry squads), and I must admit that I am not accustomed to so few for my IG. The list:
Company Command - w standard bearer and vox caster
Lord Commissar - w power fist
2 Ministorum Priests - both w eviscerator, one also w shotgun
1st Platoon:
Command - Lt. w close combat weapon & bolt pistol, vox caster, grenade launcher, meltagun
1st Squad - Sgt w power sword & laspistol, Commissar w power axe, vox caster, meltagun, krak grenades
2nd Squad - Sgt w close combat weapon & laspistol, meltagun, krak grenades
3rd Squad - Sgt w close combat weapon & laspistol, meltagun, krak grenades
2nd Platoon:
Command - Lt. w power sword & bolt pistol, vox caster, grenade launcher, meltagun
1st Squad - Sgt w power sword & bolt pistol, vox caster, meltagun, krak grenades
2nd Squad - Sgt w power sword & bolt pistol, meltagun, krak grenades
3rd Squad - Sgt w power sword & laspistol, meltagun, krak grenades
Assault Tank Squadron
2 Leman Russ Demolishers - demolisher battle cannons and hull & sponson heavy bolters
Leman Russ Squadron
2 Leman Russ - battle cannons and hull & sponson heavy bolters
Next time I'm going to keep the regimental standard bearer at home and use the points for heavy bolters on the Vendetta and an extra grenade launcher or flamer for either 1st or 2nd platoon Command Squad.
The Emperor Protects!
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