Day 20
From here on out, I'm going to be randomly rolling for a class before rolling ability scores, and then making the best of that combination. In the event of rolling a class with ability score requirements (e.g. demihumans) a backup class will be rolled, and used in the event of the scores not qualifying for the first class.
System: B/X
Desired class: Elf (alternate: cleric)
Ability scores rolled: 8, 13, 12, 14, 10, 16
Starting gold: 150 gp
The dice smile upon me today! That initial 8 isn't ideal, but everything else lines up perfectly, and we can bump that up to a 9 by knocking 2 points off Wisdom. Elves roll d6 for hit points, yielding 5. A d12 on the list of 1st level magic spells gives a 9, read magic.
Naeve Whisperbrook, 1st level elf
Strength 9
Intelligence 13 (+1 language)
Wisdom 10
Dexterity 14 (+1 to missile attacks, -1 to AC)
Constitution 10
Charisma 16 (+1 to reactions, max retainers 6, retainer morale 9)
AC 3 Hit points: 5 Alignment: Lawful
Special abilities: Immune to ghoul paralysis, find secret doors 1-2 on 1d6, infravision 60'.
Starting spell: read magic
Chain armor, shield, spear, long bow, 20 arrows, 2 silver arrows, backpack, standard rations, 2 water skins, rope, 39 gp left.
Height: 5'5" Weight: 110 lbs. Age: 38
With aspirations of someday being a leader of her clan, this very young elf has been sent forth to live among other folk and learn of their ways. Eager, naive, and more than a bit out of her depth, but charming and a quick student.
Not only did the dice roll favorably for ability scores, this character came up quite wealthy, too, with more than enough to buy some good armor and the coveted longbow. The roll for spells was less kind, so she'll have to prove herself as a warrior before earning her magic-user stripes. At least she'll have access to spells from scrolls.
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