First off, a confession. I haven't painted anything since Thursday night. We had company this weekend, so I just did not get the time. I did, however, manage to get out yesterday and launch some model rockets, which I had to paint before flying. Whacking a model rocket with a couple colors of spray paint is not quite the same thing as painting miniatures - though sometimes it's pretty close!
Anyway, I got to the FLGS on Saturday, hoping for a game. Unfortunately, most of the local crowd wasn't in - in fact, I was the only one there. Well, shoot. That's kind of a bummer. But, I stuck around - I had said that I would be there, and it was good to get out of the house and talk shop with other geeks.
So, I hung around for the afternoon, and, happily enough, someone wandered in, hoping to see a game of Warmachine in action. I did better than that - I gave him a full demo, Cygnar versus Khador. Funnily enough, I lost, and the cossacks are gaining another convert. I've agreed to bring in my Khador stuff for a few weeks, so that he can play and get started, while he begins to assemble his own collection of models.
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